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Organizing Coalitions
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Lobbying Services
Organizing Coalitions
The number of registered lobbyists in Washington has skyrocketed
in the past decade, and with it the number of individual interests
seeking to get the attention of Congress and various agencies.
As a result, it has become vital in many cases for individual
interests to work closely with other organizations who share
a particular objective.
Richard Goodstein has been in the forefront of a number of coalitions,
bringing together strange bedfellows toward a common objective.
In the mid-1990's, Mr. Goodstein successfully led a coalition
that brought together liberal major
environmental organizations with very prominent conservative
think tanks. He personally reached out to both, and convinced
them of the objective they shared. The resulting coalition
prevailed notwithstanding powerful political opposition.
For the coalitions Mr. Goodstein has led, he has written testimony
and text for advertisements, developed week-to-week strategies,
convened and chaired meetings of Washington representatives
of a wide range of interests, and has been the point person
on Capitol Hill for the coalition's position. He has also
participated in coalitions other than in a leadership capacity,
and has used his years of experience to identify
meaningful coalition partners.