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Lobbying Services
Political Strategy and Planning
Widely-respected clients for years have sought Richard Goodstein's views on political strategy and on the best ways
to mount a successful legislative and regulatory campaign. Clients
often seek out his advice when they know they have
a major issue, and think they have a good case to make, but
are not sure how best to advance their position. Mr. Goodstein
can call on experience built over three decades.
Mr. Goodstein has been involved in political campaigns for over 30 years, and beginning 10 years ago became a highly sought-after guest on cable news networks, as a political analyst. He brings this political know-how to bear for clients on a daily basis.
Mr. Goodstein has worked closely with corporate political action committees for decades, advising them how best to grow, and how best to use their resources.
Mr. Goodstein's background — in law, government relations,
politics, and media relations — enables clients to develop
comprehensive approaches to their issues. The key to satisfactorily
resolving what appears to be just a congressional issue may
be timely outreach to the media, or to a major environmental
group, or to state officials. Mr. Goodstein has the judgment and
experience to allow the client to pursue its objectives as
efficiently and effectively as possible.